One Person Company Registration

One Person Company (OPC) involves the features of a Private Limited Company and the benefits of Sole Proprietorship. An OPC provides limited liability protection with fewer compliance requirements. ​​

It requires only one Director and one Nominee for successful formation. It is designed to cater to entrepreneurs and business owners where a single individual owns, operates, and manages the entire business.

Documents Required to Register a One Person Company

  • Identity Proof and Address Proof
    a. Passport/ Aadhar card/ Voter ID/ Driver's License of Directors /Shareholders,
    b. PAN card, 
    c. Utility bills or Bank Statements as address proof and d. photo
  • Proof of Registered Office
    a. If you own the Property, you need any utility bill like an electricity bill or corporation tax receipt not later than 30 days.
    b. If you use someone else’s Property, you need a Rental Agreement or No Objection Certificate (NOC).
  • Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA)
    a. MOA outlines the objectives and scope of activities. 
    b. AOA defines the internal regulations and governance structures.
  • Declaration and Consent of the proposed Director
    a. Form DIR-2 is the official consent to assume the Director role within the prospective company.
    b. Form INC- 9 serves as the official declaration
  • Declaration and Consent of the Nominee
    Form INC- 3, along with the PAN card and Aadhar Card, serves as the official consent of the Nominee.

Advantages and Disadvantages of One Person Company


  • Limited Liability
    The OPC's separate legal entity ensures liability is limited to just shares, and you are not personally liable for the loss of the company.
  • Less Incorporation Compliances
    The compliance requirements are fewer with such incorporation than the Private Limited Company or Public Company.
  • Smooth Management
    Like Sole Proprietorship, OPC is owned and managed by a single person, making business management and decision-making much more effortless.
  • Perpetual Succession
    Even with just one member, the OPC has the feature of continuous succession. The nominee chosen while incorporating the OPC often takes over during the unavailability of the sole member.
  • Availability of Funds
    An OPC can secure funds from banks and other financial institutions through debt-based funding options.


  • Limited Expansion Opportunities
    The structure and features can only benefit a small business. It restricts expansion as no members or shareholders can be added as the company grows.

    The OPC also cannot carry out Non-Banking Financial Investment activities, including the investments in securities of any corporates.
  • Limited Resources
    The structure imposes constraints on how the business operates, particularly regarding management and resource allocation. Being primarily led or created by a single individual also narrows down the pool of skills and knowledge compared to other entities.

Checklist for Registration

A concise checklist to help you streamline the OPC registration process:
Get a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for the Director.
Get consent from both the Director and the Nominee.
Reserve your Company Name.
Apply for registration through the SPICe+ form.
Get a Certificate of Incorporation from the RoC.
Acquire PAN & TAN of your Company.
Get a Current bank account for your Company.
Follow post-incorporation compliances.

One Person Company Registration Fees

With us, the Cost of registration of a  One Person Company - Rs. 4999 + Govt. Fee

*The cost includes-

  1. DSC for One Director and One nominee
  2. DIN for One Director
  3. Certificate of Incorporation
  4. Memorandum of Association (MoA)
  5. Articles of Association (AoA)
  6. PAN
  7. TAN